
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Nine things I have done to improve my life

1. Meditate every day.  I started with 5 minutes, moved on to seven, then 15, now 30 minutes a day.
2. Exercise almost every day
3. Read every day
4. Write every day
5. Tell myself, "I love myself."

6. Stopped drinking alcohol (at least for now).
I honestly can't imagine NEVER drinking alcohol again, but for now it feels great to not drink.

7. Taking myself seriously as an artist/writer.
8. Stopped taking myself so seriously.
9. Got counseling from a great counselor.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


We're at the Santa Fe Children's Museum working with magnets.  I love places like this.  They make me feel like I'm doing homeschooling "right" - especially when I feel like our learning is aimless.  Our life looks so different from the lives of our friends with kids.  While they adhere to the school schedule, our lives seem to gently swing from season to season. There are no high pressure tests or stacks of homework to get through.  So there is no need for decompression at the end of every week or school year.  It's such a different tempo from the one I grew up in that sometimes I get nervous that we're not doing enough, or that we're missing something.

But we're not missing anything. No matter what we decide to do we can only live one life at a time.  We each have our own reality that we know to be true.  Childhood is when we begin to build our beliefs about the world, which create our realities. You don't need school to do that.