Today we all woke up late - like after 8:00. Daniel had to head off to work, so the boys and I had the responsibility to take the dogs to the dog park this morning. If our dog Scotty doesn't get enough exercise, then our homeschooling day is spent following him around getting toys out of his mouth.
The kids hate going to the dog park because there isn't a play structure. They love dogs, but the dogs are almost always more interested in the other dogs than they are in my kids.
Anyway, Daniel remembers that my car is at my parents' house, so if Daniel drives to work we won't have a car. He graciously offers to drive us (me, two kids and two dogs) to my parents' place to pick up the car and head to the dog park. In half an hour. No one has had breakfast, no one is dressed.
But I think this will be easier for me than letting the kids take their time eating, getting dressed, etc. They're going to whine about going to the dog park anyway, might as well get it over and done, rather than drag it out for half the morning while I get steadily louder and more aggravated because my kids aren't putting their shoes on because they need to do "just one more thing."
We went to the dog park, no other dogs were there. I threw a ball around for Scotty to get him to run, then we went home.
As soon as we get home the kids ask me to help them make a paper toy - from a book our friends just gave us. We work on that for a while, which consists of them getting pieces ready for me to fold and glue, then the kids play Super Mario Kart while I take a shower and make some calls.
Julian helps me unload the dishwasher while he tells me about Super Mario Kart. They took a break for us to have lunch together (tuna salad), and we'll probably go to the park this afternoon with our boomerang.
At some point I'll try to chop some carrots, celery and onions, and put them in the crock pot with a few other things (beans?) and that'll be dinner.
Or I won't.
Not a focused day, but not a bad day.
Now I'm going to call the Natural History Museum to see if we can volunteer!